How to get from Quang Ninh to Halong Bay

To get from Quang Ninh to Halong Bay, bus seems to be the most popular and interesting means of transportation.Quang Ninh has 4 provincial cities: Cam Pha, Uong Bi, Mong Cai and Halong being the provincial capital. to get more information, you can click: Alova Gold cruises

From Mong Cai to Halong

Phuc Xuyen to Halong
Phuc Xuyen to Halong Bay – source: internet

The distance between Mong Cai and Halong Bay is 163 km. Phuc Xuyen is the one and only bus operator running on this route. There are 2 buses a day, each takes 3 hours and costs VND 175,000 (USD $7). One departs at 4.30 AM while other at 5.00PM.

From Uong Bi to Halong

The distance is only 33km. There are 6 buses operated by the 2 bus companies: Phuc Xuyen and Duc Phuc running on this route. The average ticket price is only VND 30,000 (USD $1.3) and the total traveling time is about 40 hour.

From Cam Pha to Halong

Bus from Cam Pha to Halong
Bus from Cam Pha to Halong- source: internet

The distance is only 35km. The traveling duration is about 50 minutes and the average ticket price is only VND 30,000 (USD1.3). Buses from Cam Pha to Halong depart very early in the morning with the latest one at 5.00 AM.

What to do in Halong Bay?

From a traditional junk to kick back, relax and take in the impressive views to water sport and cave exploration, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Halong Bay has much to offer to keep you busy from the early morning to the late night.

On board of a traditional junk

The first and the must-do activity in Halong Bay should be getting on board of a traditional junk boat cruise. What can be more wonderful than waking up in the spectacular scenery of Halong Bay, with its great limestone mountains and turquoise waters; lazily lying on the spacious tanning deck; sightseeing; going swim or kayaking around to discover all the hidden corners; taking part in night fishing or cooking classes and indulging in mouthwatering authentic Vietnamese cuisine – all services offered by well trained and hospitable attentive staff? If you want to enjoy all that Halong Bay has to offer in the most pleasant way, there is no other choice than taking a junk boat cruise! Tours Indochina

Explore magnificent and marvelous caves

Even though no one knows exactly the number of caves formed by 1969 islands in Halong Bay, all of which whether famous or less known shine bright in their fullest charm with full of stalactites and the karst terrains in various unique sizes and shapes. On any Halong Bay Cruises, you can get a chance to be amazed by the mysterious world of stalactites and stalagmites created by the Mother of Nature. Some of the most highly recommended caves to visit are: Sung Sot Cave (Amazing Cave); Thien Cung Cave (Paradise Cave); Luon Cave; Trinh Nu Cave (Virgin Cave); Bo Nau Cave (Pelican Cave); etc.

Visit a traditional floating village

Cong Dam floating village
Cong Dam floating village in Halong Bay -source: internet

You may find it hard to believe until you see right in front of your eyes fishermen catching fish net in the river, playful and happy children on boat going to school. Yes, floating life in Halong Bay is real. Nowadays, the traditional lifestyle of these floating villages is a significant cultural heritage of Halong Bay’ community and therefore, becomes a great tourist attraction. On a trip to Halong Bay floating village, you will be embraced by the tranquility and calmness, see these villages rising and falling with the tide as well as know more about the locals’ peaceful yet fascinating life among the nature. Vung Vieng, Ba Hang, Cua Van, Viet Hai and Cong Dam are some villages to visit in Halong Bay.

See more:

Calypso Cruise

Pelican Cruise

Paradise Cruise


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