How To Cross The Road In Saigon

Make the journey as smooth as you can by learning a few tips from some travel companions, who have come to Saigon a couple of times. Ready? It’s time to go through this challenge and get rid of the echoes in the brain! For more information about Saigon, you can click: Indochina travel packages

Avoid The Hangover | Cross The Road In Saigon

Realize that you’ve got no other choice by stepping off that curb and get ready to march into the traffic? And then you pair up with a local and scuttle behind using him as a shield just to pass through the other side. Before you, it could be the 4 arteries where several trucks, buses, motorbikes, and bikes come in a muddle and converge into. What a bustling metropolis? You can feel that only in a country holding more than 8 million citizens and nearly as several motorbikes as if they’re brought together here. This would cause a heart-throbbing moment in 4 minutes when you move into the stream.

If it was someone else, her back would sweat a lot when the sunbeams keep shining through the eyes. The best advice here is to take all your confidence, walk through it and NEVER STOP till you arrive on the other side! Getting around Vietnam by foot is still a challenge to lots of travelers, especially in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. The local drivers usually honk the horns quite often for no good reason. As for Vietnamese people, a honk means staying out of my way, so notice this when you cross the road in Saigon.

What to do at this moment is to apologize for getting in their way and then turn left or right to move ahead. Generally, confidence is always the key for foreigners to cross the road in Vietnam because if you get around with purpose, it’s quicker on the feet. Indochina Sails cruise halong bay

Also, please watch out the massive traffic in this country, especially when it comes to traffic accidents. If you’re injured on the street by chance, it’s rare for people to help you by calling an ambulance. Fix it by telling the locals clearly that you’ll pay the hospital fee. More than that, the hospitals would not also accept to heal you if you’re incapable of paying for it!

One more thing to consider while crossing the road: Please grab your bag firmly since it’s very common for the ‘snatch and grab’ to happen here.

Best Tips On Crossing The Road In Saigon

How to cross the road in Saigon? What a common question that every tourist coming to Saigon, Vietnam would like to ask. These tips appear quite helpful and practical for you to know how to step the foot to new corners:

  • Do not just stand there and wait for up to 2 walking signals before crossing the road since it’s useless and you can’t even go over when the traffic still keep going.
  • Notice the coming vehicles to know what your movements will be before decing to move. Once going, get straight ahead and then cross the street. Don’t worry since the drivers will automatically avoid getting into you.
  • Do not turn to the left or right side while crossing the road, which is quite hard for the drivers to know your exact direction.
  • When crossing the road in a group, make sure that you all stay as close together as possible to avoid the road block. Don’t forget to hold hands in this situation.
  • Accerlerate if there’s an empty space ahead.
  • Hand-signaling is recommended for pedestrians to cross the street

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